
Moderate Montana Democrat Battling a 'Blood-Fest of Extremes,' Like the Tea Party

Kirk Johnson sees hope for "centrists" like Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in Montana: "But other factors, engrained into Montana's political history and geography, could also push the contest more ...

Calmes Again Insists on Success of Obama's 'Stimulus'

Jackie Calmes insists on the success of Obama's "stimulus" package: "...contrary to Republicans' claims, economists generally judged his 2009-10 stimulus program to have helped, but to have been ...

Times Calls Rick Perry Critic 'Republican Activist,' Leaves Off His Far-Left Environmental Activism

Ashley Parker's report on Rick Perry featured six paragraphs on a global warming discussion between Perry and N.H. citizen Jim Rubens, described by Parker as a a Republican activist and high-tech ...

Broder 'Bashes' Republican Opposition to the E.P.A., Suggest GOP Mere Handmaiden to Industry

John Broder: "Opposition to regulation and skepticism about climate change have become tenets of Republican orthodoxy...But while attacks on the E.P.A., climate-change science and environmental ...

Welcome to the Race: Gov. Rick Perry 'Stumbled Into the Texas Miracle'

Reporter Clifford Krauss also pondered that if "Perry were to win the Republican nomination, he would face critics, among them Democrats, who have long complained that the state's economic health ...

Green Activists on NYT Web Site Sad G.O.P. Won't 'Acknowledge...Science of Climate Change'

"[Tim] Pawlenty is one of several Republican candidates who have retreated from previous positions acknowledging the science of climate change, and a need to address it."

Reporter Dubiously Claims Buffett Tax Hikes Would Raise Revenues, Falsely Claims Taxes at Historic Low

Wishful thinking by reporter David Kocieniewski: "But with the prospect of severe spending cuts and another round of bitter deficit negotiations in Washington, proposals like [Warren] Buffett's ...

Strange New Respect for Southern Christians Fighting Immigration Law in Alabama

Campbell Robertson: "On a sofa in the hallway of his office here, Mitchell Williams, the pastor of First United Methodist Church, announced that he was going to break the law. He is not the only ...

Calmes Weaves Pro-Dem Cocoon in Story on G.O.P. 'Defensive' Over 'Austerity and Antitax Orthodoxy'

White House reporter Jackie Calmes: "The boasts of Congressional Republicans about their cost-cutting victories are ringing hollow to some well-known economists, financial analysts and corporate ...

NYT's Appelbaum: 'Everything We Know About Economics' Says Govt. 'Should Be Getting Bigger Right Now'

Binyamin Appelbaum has the solution to economic malaise - even more federal spending: "And for governments, the real problem is that there's this tremendous political pressure to get smaller, and ...
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