
Incoming Democrats Break Pledge - the Times Snores

The Times glosses over the Democratic Party's broken pledges in favor of "Pelosi-palooza."

Times Watchdog to Get Axed?

Public editor Byron Calame may have started doing his job of exposing editorial malfeasance a bit too well.

Taking Pro-Democrat Talking Points as Fact

Kate Zernike runs off Democratic talking points about alleged voting irregularities in a Florida House race won by a Republican.

The "Capture" of an Israeli Soldier by Hamas?

Was Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit "kidnapped" or merely "captured"?

The Times "Grimly" Repeats Itself

A theme emerges in the paper's coverage of the Iraq War dead.

Pro-Life Actress Patricia Heaton's "Extreme Positions"

So Heaton is "extreme," but Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, etc., aren't?

Times Watch Director Appears on FNC's "Your World With Neil Cavuto"

Waters discusses the Times' unhappiness over the "rush to hang Saddam Hussein."

A Three-Week Old "Spotlight" on GOP Senator's Anti-War Speech

The Times livens up a slow news cycle with an anti-war push.

MTV Promotes the Death of Innocence

Do parents actually watch what their kids watch on MTV? Or, in the effort to be "un-priggish," have they completely abdicated responsibility to turn the garbage off?

The New York Times' own Rathergate

Public editor Byron Calame has exposed prominent publication of a lie. The top editors refuse to retract or publish a correction.
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