
Magazine Writer to Melinda Gates: Is Pope 'Hurting Efforts' on Women's Health By Opposing Birth Control, Abortion?

Deborah Solomon to Melinda Gates, co-chair of a foundation working for women's health in developing countries: "Do you think the pope is hurting efforts on behalf of women's health by preaching ...

More Liberal Preaching in Randy Cohen's Sunday Magazine 'Ethicist' Column

Inserting pearls of liberal wisdom into his ethical advice: "I believe, for example, nobody may honorably work for a tobacco company, the maker of a toxic product that, used as directed, annually ...

David Herszenhorn Warns 'How Much Worse' Things May Get If Brit-Style 'Budget Guillotine Falls Here'

Reporter David Herszenhorn reveals his big-government mindset, seeing only the bad side of potential budget cuts: "And for Americans still furious over the weak economic recovery, the obvious ...

Seelye Turns Tables, Accuses Tea Party 'Darling' Rand Paul of 'Distorting' Sleazy Ad Attacking His Faith

Even Democrats are disowning a Democratic ad attacking Rand Paul's Christian faith, but Katharine Seelye begins by accusing Paul of distortion: "Even as Mr. Paul denounces the commercial, he is ...

'Disturbing First Glimpse' of Bullhorn, Saddam Pistol at Bush Presidential Center

Former president George W. Bush can't even put exhibits in his own presidential center without offending some leftists. Reporter Michael Brick in Dallas handed some of them a megaphone to complain ...

Maureen Dowd's Column on the 'Shameful Thomas-Hill Hearings' Reads Just Like Her News Coverage From 1991

Maureen Dowd's opinion on how the Senate dealt with the Thomas-Hill controversy hasn't changed since she covered it as a Washington reporter for the Times: "It's too late to relitigate the ...

Conservative Takeover of Kansas Is Imminent, Warns the Son of the Times' Publisher

"Moderate" Republicans fear the takeover of conservatives in Kansas, suggests the scion of the Times publisher, also the paper's bureau chief in Kansas City, in a story crammed with extraneous ...

Lead Story Goes After Fundraising of Obama Foe, the Chamber of Commerce

The Times leads with more scary wealthy anonymous Republican donors giving to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which the Obama administration has made its latest Public Enemy No. 1#: "The annual tax ...

Gail Collins Defends Nancy Pelosi, Calls Alaska GOP Joe Miller a 'Mean-Spirited Egoist'

Gail Collins: "If the Republicans take the House, the country will realize not only that every speaker is doomed to become a caricature of themselves, but also that the caricature can be way, way ...

Dowd Says Sarah Palin 'Has Made Ignorance Fashionable'

Maureen Dowd not only finds female Republican candidates to be "Mean Girls," but they are ignorant as well: "But now another famous beauty with glowing skin and a powerful current, Sarah Palin, ...
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