While eulogizing left-wing White House correspondent Helen Thomas on
Saturday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Andrea Mitchell conveniently
minimized the controversial end to Thomas's ...
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, reporting on President Obama's
trip to Europe, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd fretted over
the commander-in-chief's declining popularity overseas: ...
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Andrea Mitchell
seized on NSA leaker Edward Snowden attacking former Vice President Dick
Cheney, who labeled Snowden a traitor for publicizing ...
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House
correspondent Chuck Todd cheered President Obama picking Susan Rice to
be his new national security advisor and nominating Samantha Power as ...
On Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Tom Costello fretted over
the impact of modest reductions in government spending: "401 parks,
battlefields, monuments, seashores, volcanos, and deserts ...
As of Friday morning, NBC News broadcasts had completely ignored an
important scoop from the network's own national investigative
correspondent Michael Isikoff that Attorney General Eric ...
On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Peter Alexander led off with Obama team spin on the scandals rocking the administration: "...the White House is aggressively responding, ...
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, after proclaiming President
Obama to be "on the offensive" amid growing scandals, anchor Brian
Williams hinted at those controversies being only temporary ...
While Monday's NBC Nightly News was content to accept President
Obama labeling the Benghazi scandal as a "political circus" worthy of
ridicule, on Fox News Channel's Special Report, chief ...
Teasing an upcoming story on Thursday's NBC Nightly News,
anchor Brian Williams fretted over "The dramatic changes we've watched
happen to our planet" as shown in "jaw-dropping images from ...