Nightly News

Media Research Center

NBC: Republicans Make Disabled People Cry on 'One of the Saddest Days' in U.S. Senate

Employing sanctimonious rhetoric to paint Senate Republicans as cruel and heartless for opposing a U.N. treaty on disabled rights completely redundant to the Americans With Disabilities Act, ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Obama's 'Strong Message' to Senate GOP: 'Don't Mess With My U.N. Ambassador'

Striking a sympathetic tone toward the U.N. ambassador on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams lamented: "It was another one of those days for Susan Rice....who again found ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Hypes 'Optics' of House GOP Having 'All White Males' as Committee Chairs

Following the lead of NBC political director Chuck Todd lamenting House Republican committee chairs being "all white men," on Wednesday's Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams similarly declared: ...
Media Research Center

NBC Scare Tactics: Climate Change May Put Statue of Liberty Underwater

In yet another example of climate change fearmongering following Hurricane Sandy, on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams hyped a fantasy illustration from the New York Times: " ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Frets Over a 'Lop-Sided Fight' Between Israel and Gaza

Leading off Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams wrung his hands over Israel suffering fewer casualties than Gaza in the ongoing Mideast conflict: "It is a lop-sided fight right now, ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Genial' Obama Offers 'Olive Branch' to GOP While Republicans Attack

In a series of reports following President Obama's Wednesday afternoon press conference, NBC News repeatedly portrayed Obama as a magnanimous victor "reaching out" to his opponents, while ...
Media Research Center

NBC Uses Hurricane Sandy Aftermath to Promote Occupy Wall Street

In a transparent effort to yet again applaud the left-wing Occupy Wall Street movement on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams introduced the broadcast's Making a Difference segment ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd: White House 'Insulated' from Petraeus Scandal, 'He's More of a Republican Guy'

In attempt to deflect the growing scandal surrounding former CIA director David Petreaus away from President Obama, on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'No Coincidence' Lincoln Film Debuts After Obama Re-Election

Eager to draw a comparison between Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln during a report for Saturday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Kevin Tibbles observed of the new film about the nation's 16th ...
Media Research Center

NBC Works on 'Connecting the Dots' Between Sandy and Global Warming

In a report for Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson seized on Hurricane Sandy to continue pushing the argument for man-made global warming: "Now some politicians are ...
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