
Still Strangely Soft on North Korea's Dictatorship

"The new South Korean policy, outlined by the new president, Lee Myung-bak, means at least a temporary reduction in generous South Korean economic aid at a dire time for the North..." No mention ...

Bolton: 'No Doubt' North Korea Would Try To Sell Nuke To Al-Qaida

Former U.N. ambassador faults 'lure of Chinese market' for U.S. not being tougher with China on Korean issue.

Dictatorships Like North Korea Merely "In Disfavor with the U.S."?

American the bully boy? "China had the dubious distinction of being lumped in one section of the report alongside a number of governments that are in disfavor with the United States." Such ...

Dangerous Japanese "Right Wingers" vs. North Korean "Leader" Kim Jong-il

"Right-wing" Japanese critics of North Korea insist on making a big deal about that little abduction-of-its-citizens thing. Scary!

Dictatorships and Double Standards in the Times

"Brutal dictator" Pinochet vs. "grandfatherly" North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung.

Helene Cooper Cracks on Bush's Naive North Korean Policy

Stop the presses! Jimmy Carter is criticizing Bush on North Korea.

McCain's "Bitter Partisan Furor" Against Hillary

John McCain when attacking Bush: brave maverick. McCain when attacking Bill & Hillary: bitter partisan blame-spreader
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