
Cuban "Dictator" Batista vs. Castro's "Revolutionary Government"

Fidel Castro wasn't a Communist dictator?

Puffing Up CNN at Fox News' Expense

But CNN's "surge" may be less than meets the eye.

Reporter Admits SNL Effect on Press Coverage of Hillary

"Over the last few days, the tone of the Democratic contest seems to have shifted, with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign more buoyant and Senator Barack Obamas more defensive. That shift ...

Times Editor: "Who Are We to Withhold" Our McCain Hit Piece "From the Public?"

Times editor Richard Berke on the infamous McCain-lobbyist story: "How can we withhold from our readers the fact that there were these incidents of McCain's aides, worried to death about his ...

Not Melodramatic at All

A lead editorial makes an oblique comparison between the "Iron Curtain" of Soviet Communism and a hypothetical fence to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

Liberal Hypocrisy and the Death Tax, Demonstrated by NYT Publisher Arthur Sulzberger

The NY Post reports that Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. sold his Upper West Side apartment to his wife for $3.25 million for what a Times spokeswoman described as "estate-planning purposes."

Andrew Revkin Makes Clear His Skepticism of Global-Warming Skeptics

Environmental reporter Andrew Revkin: "The two-day gathering, which concludes Tuesday, was organized by the Heartland Institute, a Chicago group whose antiregulatory philosophy has long been ...

The Times Gets Taken in By Another Fabulist

Meet "Margaret B. Jones," author of a gang memoir about her days as a half-white girl in the hood that turned out to be totally fabricated.

Linking Today's Illegal Immigration Opponents to Violent Racists of a Century Ago

From a picture caption: "Anti-Catholic - Burning of St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia, 1844. As immigration soared, so did nativist reaction."

Times Finally Takes Bias Question Seriously - When Hillary Raises It

The Times has certainly shown favoritism toward Obama's campaign. A TimesWatch analysis found that in stories dealing significantly with Obama, he was covered in a positive matter by a ratio of ...
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