
Cooper vs. Condi: NYT Smacks Rice Around

In an unsympathetic evaluation, reporter Helene Cooper promoted the view that "as national security adviser [Condoleezza Rice] largely served as a rubber stamp for a series of foreign policy ...

More Advocacy for U.S. Muslims from Reporter Neil MacFarquhar

MacFarquhar quotes Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison decrying "bigoted attacks" from two GOP Representatives - but fails to mention Ellison's comparison of 9-11 to the Reichstag Fire.

"Severe Cutbacks in Funding" During Reagan Years to Blame for Product-Related Deaths?

A bias toward bureaucracy in Eric Lipton's front-page story: "...the Bush-appointed commissioners voiced few objections as the already tiny agency - now just 420 workers - was pared almost to the ...

Cancer Society Veers to the Left: a "Nonpartisan" Tilt?

New ads pushing government-mandated "access" are not presented as liberal or socialist, but as a sensibly pragmatic solution to reducing the cancer death rate

Chris Matthews, Alan Alda to Star at NYT 'Great Literary Brunch'

Might we detect a liberal tilt in the Sunday brunch lineup of "best-selling authors"?

Hitting Rudy Where He's Strongest: 9-11

"...when the city announced that Mr. Giuliani would speak next month at the sixth anniversary of the attacks, some relatives of people who died on Sept. 11 said they were dismayed, some because ...

Sen. Craig Scandal Means GOP Is Doomed (Again)

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg lovingly lingered over a long list of Republican ethical woes.

Suspicious in Seattle? Times Concerned with "Alleged Racial Profiling" on Ferry

The FBI released photos taken on a Puget Sound ferry of two suspicious men and asked the pubilc for help in identifying them. The Times takes a predictable PC angle (and doesn't run the photos).

Gonzales Resigns, Times Lashes Out at Bush-Cheney "Government-by-Fiat"

The Times uses Gonzales' resignation to pile on: "It was Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser, David S. Addington, who...pushed for a radical rewriting of American policies on such ...

Politics With Your Popcorn: The Sequel

Not even a story on movie sequels is immune from liberal politics.
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