
Reporter Lectures Maliki for Criticizing Hillary, Buries Good News from Iraq

James Glanz: "But Mr. Maliki appeared to reach a new level of stridency with his reply to Senator Clinton, of New York, and Senator Levin, of Michigan."

"Ever Upbeat" Bush Deluded in His Iraq War Optimism

Steven Lee Myers: "'We are still in the early stages of our new operations,' Mr. Bush said in the radio address broadcast Saturday, as if there were not those who fervently wished the country was ...

NYT: Hopes for Iraq "Dim" and "Grim" - Other Outlets Takes More Mixed View

From Mark Mazzetti's lead story: "The assessment, known as a National Intelligence Estimate, casts strong doubts on the viability of the Bush administration strategy in Iraq.

Frank Rich on "the Dark Heart of Rovian Republicanism"

What you've been missing since Times Select took away free access to Frank Rich's liberal rants.

The "Domineering," "Bombastic" Mine Owner That Doesn't Believe in Global Warming

The Times uses name-calling on Robert Murray, owner of the Utah mine that collapsed - and drags in his disbelief in global warming dogma.

Bush's "Bizarre" Decision to Talk About the Vietnam War

The Times can't understand how Bush can cite the Vietnam War in defense of the Iraq War - even though the Times has been critically comparing Iraq to Vietnam for years.

Roger Cohen: Liberal Reporter Turned Liberal Columnist

"The Bush presidency has shown contempt for due process...." And reporter-turned-columnist Cohen was just getting warmed up.

9-11 Failures: Blaming Bush's Neo-Cons, Ignoring Clinton's Exaggerations

The Times' lead editorial ignores Clinton's culpability in the pre-9-11 hunt for Osama bin Laden, while blaming Bush's "neo-conservative agenda" for distracting the CIA.

Support the Iraq War with Higher Taxes and a Draft?

Pentagon reporter Thom Shanker again pushes higher taxes as a "national sacrifice" for the war in Iraq.

Suddenly, Iraq Isn't Like Vietnam

Not when Bush makes the comparison to defend the war.
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