
Paul Krugman's Double Standards on Controversial Race Comments

The left-wing columnist excoriated Trent Lott in 2002 for allegedly racist remarks at the 100th birthday party for retiring Sen. Strom Thurmond - but dismissed Sotomayor's claim suggesting ethnic ...

Times Embraces Liberal Populism, Gets Activist on Student Loans

A front-page Business section article sure readers a lot like a liberal editorial: "But if education is a fundamental right, then it's hard to argue against public policies that try to make sure ...

Obama Heralded With Tacky Art on Sunday's Front Page

Randy Kennedy celebrates mediocre paintings of Obama: "Perhaps not since John F. Kennedy, whose dusty portraits can still be seen in kitchens and barbershops and alongside the antique beer cans at ...

Fox News Picks Up on NYT's Bias by Omission on Muslim Bomb Plot

Fox News Channel host Jon Scott on a foiled plot to bomb two synagogues in New York City: "Why did the New York Times decide to shy away from mentioning the suspect's extreme Muslim beliefs?"

Meet An "Ultraconservative" in New Jersey

Times reporters never use the term "ultraliberal" to describe politicians, but Steve Lonegan, a former mayor running in the New Jersey Republican gubernatorial primary, was called ...

GOP Critics of Sotomayor a Bunch of Racists, Explains Charles Blow

The columnist excoriates racist Republicans for hypocrisy in opposing Sonia Sotomayor: "Even Michael Steele, the bungling chairman of The Willie Horton Party knows that the Republicans have no ...

Surprise: The Times Actually Brings Up Sotomayor Racial Controversy

After several stories praising Sonia Sotomayor, Friday's front-page finally upturned some fertile ground for criticism: "Nominee's Links With Advocates Fuel Her Critics - Support For Bias Cases - ...

Stolberg Can't Get Enough of Sotomayor's "Powerful Personal Story"

'The White House is betting that only the most hardened senator would not be moved by her powerful personal story - a daughter of Puerto Rican parents, who discovered at 8 she had diabetes, who ...

Kantor Lauds Sotomayor: She Speaks to Cafeteria Workers, in Spanish!

Jodi Kantor: "What was so powerful in Adam Nagourney's story was the visual of having this bank of white male senators grill in a possibly antagonistic way the first Latina woman nominated to ...

Nagourney Takes a Double-Dip of Conservative Angst Over Sotomayor

Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney recycled his web-only column for the print edition, complete with a headline portraying the GOP as in a lose-lose bind over Sonia Sotomayor's nomination: ...
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