
Bill Keller Now Calls Google a News "Ally," But Didn't Trust It Last Month

The paper's executive editor (pictured) changes his tune on Google as a news aggregator, crediting it with driving traffic to the Times. But last month he dared people to "google" themselves if ...

Obama's "Bipartisan" Supreme Court Choices? Maybe Not

The Times is trying to sell Elena Kagan and Janet Napolitano as moderate choices for the soon-to-be-vacant Supreme Court seat. But just how "bipartisan" are they?

NYT Admits to Spiking Story Alleging Illegal Obama-ACORN Connection

Public Editor Clark Hoyt calls the charge "nonsense," yet his Sunday article confirms it.

Don't Worry, Dems - Pelosi Under No "Serious Threat" from Repubs on Waterboarding

Both Carl Hulse and John Harwood assure readers that Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi stands strong despite her desperate allegations aginst the C.I.A., claiming attacks from "polarizing opponents" ...

Economics Reporter Pleased With Discrediting of Capitalism

Marxist-influenced economics reporter Peter Goodman describes China as home "to 13 billion fingers waiting to be licked in the thrall of KFC chicken."

Times Sneers Some "Angry" Pro-Life Obama Opponents "Not Even Catholic"

How dare they defend life without proper religious bona fides! "Many demonstrators had no affiliation with Notre Dame and were not even Catholic," reporter Peter Baker writes, to discredit ...

Dowd Lifts Anti-War Talking Points From "Talking Points" Blog

Columnist Maureen Dowd is in trouble again for misusing quotes. This time it's a paragraph in her latest column clearly lifted from a liberal blog, the ironically named Talking Points Memo.

Speaker Pelosi Lied? Page A-18

Everything from serious (Chrysler closing dealerships, Afghan airstrikes) to silly (ranting advertisements, frozen pot pies) beat Nancy Pelosi's press conference on her knowledge of waterboarding ...

Did Times Report Invent a Quote for Catholic Leader?

Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."

Democrats Show 'Growing Unease' With Obama's Wars

The Times played down liberal dissent on his sudden reversal on the release of "detainee abuse" photos, but they published a whole story on liberal Democrats developing an "unease" for Obama's wars.
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