
The "Conservative" Geraldo Rivera?

Reporter Robbie Brown evidently doesn't watch much Geraldo, a passionate defender of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Obama Challenged From Left on Gay Marriage

Sheryl Gay Stolberg tries to nudge Obama toward a more outspoken advocacy on gay issue, but still gives Obama a pass on his opposition to gay marriage because he's a Christian.

"Robber Baron" Transforms Into "Shrewd Businessman" After Loan to NYT

Carlos Slim, described in 2007 as a "thief" and "robber baron" by a Times editorial writer, is now "a very shrewd businessman with an appreciation for great brands," according to the paper's ...

Glowing Dutch - NYT Magazine Celebrates Euro-Socialism

The headline over Russell Shorto's story is self-explanatory: 'Going Dutch - How I Learned To Love The European Welfare State.'

A "Brutal" Switch on C.I.A. Interrogation Semantics

The Times steps up the rhetoric to show its disapproval of the C.I.A.'s interrogation tactics against Al Qaeda terrorist suspects.

A "Formidable," "Muscular" Pro-Israel PAC

Scary stuff about a pro-Israel lobby: "The site of the conference, the Washington Convention Center, is conveniently, and symbolically, about equally close to the White House and the Capitol, the ...

David Leonhardt Talks Sexist "Pay Gaps" With Obama

David Leonhardt talks to Barack Obama about the (mythical) "pay gap" and wonders if America is ready to raise taxes and to cut back on health care.

The NYT Co.'s Hypocritical Hardball vs. Boston Globe Unions

The New York Times Co. is playing hardball with the Boston Globe, threatening to shut it down unless it got more cuts from the Globe's unions, without a trace of its flagship paper's vaunted ...

Ignoring Title IX's Impact on Men's College Sports

A Times story on budget-cutting in university sports leaves out a major factor: The impact of the federal law Title IX, which has caused colleges to drop minor men's sports in the name of ...

Wow: Even Frank Rich Sees Pro-Obama "Hagiography"

Overdramatic liberal columnist Frank Rich briefly emphathizes with those "who think the press corps is in the tank" and "fawning" over Obama.
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