
The NYT's "Whitewash" of the Bill Ayers-Obama Connection

A 2,100-word front-page inoculation by the New York Times, purporting to investigate the relationship between '60s domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Barack Obama: "But the two men do not appear to ...

The GOP Just Can't Win

For years the Times has chided the Republican Party for being too close to Wall Street. But after the GOP's initial resistance to the Wall Street bailout, reporter Jackie Calmes fears the party's ...

Shallow Palin Survived Debate on "Talking Points," Won't Help McCain

The Times thinks the Palin-Biden vice presidential debate will soon be forgotten. Would it feel the same way if Palin had flopped?

An Incomplete on Grading Anti-McCain Ads

Julie Bosman trumps up McCain's "Keating Five" involvement and fails to fully question the "rape kit" story.

Fudging Obama-Book Author & Debate Host Gwen Ifill's Conflict of Interest

Jim Rutenberg focused on the GOP's slow response, not journalist Gwen Ifill's clear conflict of interest, and concludes by quoting a (fired) "former adviser to McCain" calling Ifill "as honorable ...

Supreme Confusion on Palin and the "Right to Privacy"

In Timesland, "privacy" = abortion: "Ms. Palin did not say how she could believe in a right to privacy and oppose Roe v. Wade."

Steny Hoyer, Centrist? Since When?

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse has a bad habit of turning liberal Democrats into "centrists" or even "conservatives."

Sarah "No Foreign Policy Experience" Palin - But What About Bill?

Is the governor of Alaska and VP pick held to a higher standard on foreign policy than Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton was during his first campaign for president?

Ad Wars: Obama vs. Republicans. Guess Who the Times Favors?

More double standards: An Obama ad does "a compelling job" of tying McCain to George Bush, while a Republican ad is confusing and its effectiveness questionable.

Times Finally Sees Left-Wing Opposition to Bailout Bill, But Leaves Off Liberal Labels

Apparently, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus aren't liberal groups.
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