
Times Mimics Post in Bashing of McCain's Ad Linking Obama to Franklin Raines

Julie Bosman says a McCain claim linking Obama to former Fannie Mae Executive Director Frankling Raines "is totally unsupported by the facts." Her takes rehashes a previous story by the Washington ...

Zernike's Flawed Fact-Checking of Sarah Palin

Kate Zernike complains about lack of access to Palin and says: "She sticks to her script, even when the facts are in dispute."

The Times Misses the Lovable Loser McCain

Adam Nagourney, hypersensitive to attacks on Democrats: "...most notable are the dizzying cascade of attacks on Mr. Obama, who seems to have come to consume Mr. McCain..."

Finally! Larry Rohter Criticizes Obama for "Misleading" Immigration Ad

But Rohter doesn't point out the ad's deceptive quotes of Rush Limbaugh used to make the talk show host appear anti-Mexican.

Pro-Obama Snobbery? Support Strong Where People Are "Better Educated And More Diverse"

Ian Urbina: "Support for Mr. Obama is much stronger in the northeastern section of the state, especially in places like Fairfax County, near Washington, whose population is younger, wealthier, ...

Biden Stances on Busing, Drug Offenses Repackaged as Racial Controversies

Hitting Joe Biden from the left on two dubious "race" issues.

"Oratorical" Obama Ad Takes High Road, But McCain "Got Himself Into Trouble"

In an analysis of two new campaign ads about the meltdown on Wall Street, the Times portrayed Obama as a skillful and honest orator, while McCain "got into trouble" with a statement Obama and the ...

Bumiller Joins Obama to Paint McCain as Bumbler: Colleague Cries "Cheap Shot"

A Times reporter has her (and the Obama campaign's) assumption challenged on the idea that McCain is blind to America's economic woes: "When you listen to that sound-bite in its totality, isn't it ...

Did Rove Put Alabama's Democratic Gov. Siegelman in Jail? Um, No

The Times keeps spreading bad info based on ludicrously thin evidence: "Don Siegelman, the former governor of Alabama, was sentenced to seven years in prison as a result of a prosecution that ...

Front-Page Story Takes McCain's "Strong" Economy Remark Out of Context

Michael Cooper: "Mr. McCain has had to labor to get past the impression - fostered by his own admissions as recently as last year that the subject is not his strongest suit - that he lacks the ...
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