Monday night’s edition of ABC World News delivered a double dose of
advocacy as Diane Sawyer and her team essentially served as a mouthpiece
for President Obama’s position on the government ...
On CNN Tuesday, Politico's Roger Simon slammed the "extreme
right-wing" for using "food as a political weapon," for taking the GOP
"hostage," and for denying "health care to 11 million people" ...
Before and during Tuesday's government shutdown, CNN hosts, reporters, and anchors blasted Republicans and blamed them for the shutdown. New Day co-host Chris Cuomo told Rep. Darrell Issa ...
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews dismissed Republican attempts to delay ObamaCare as a futile effort: "The President was elected – reelected again. He won this ...
With the ObamaCare exchanges set to take effect today, and polls showing the President’s health care law as unpopular as ever (a September 25 poll from CBS News/New York Times found 51% “somewhat” ...
Resurrecting an ideological tag from the 1980s media era, on Monday’s CBS Evening News, the network’s chief Washington correspondent, Bob Schieffer, fretted over how “ultra-conservatives” in ...
CBS This Morning did its best over two days to put the most positive spin on the rollout of the ObamaCare insurance exchanges. On Saturday, the newscast turned to Bloomberg's Peter Gosselin, who ...
In an interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer urged Republicans to abandon their opposition to
ObamaCare in order to avoid a government shutdown: ...
Journalists target anti-ObamaCare conservatives, suggesting they want to "repeal the 20th century" and "sacrifice the lives of young people," and risk "destroying America" in opposing ObamaCare. ...
In defiance of reality illustrated in numerous polls, on Sunday’s Face the Nation,
host Bob Schieffer scolded Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
when she correctly asserted “there is ...