The network morning shows on Friday derided the move by House Republicans to defund ObamaCare as simply "bowing to demands" from the Tea Party. But it was CBS's Bob Schieffer who made no attempt ...
CNN's Brooke Baldwin thought Republican efforts to defund ObamaCare flew in the face of how the Founding Fathers intended Congress to work. "Congress passes a law, in this case ObamaCare, and then ...
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News and Thursday's CBS This Morning, Nancy Cordes repeatedly played up how an unidentified Republican in the U.S. Senate attacked a House proposal to de-fund ObamaCare ...
Chris Matthews on Wednesday continued his assault on conservatives who oppose the funding of ObamaCare in the coming fiscal showdown, sneering that the "looney tunes" Republicans want to "kill the ...
According to the three networks, the serious effort by conservatives to defund ObamaCare isn't worth as much coverage as the addition of a new dog to the President's family. In just a 24-hour ...
On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Jan Crawford boosted the latest pro-ObamaCare campaign from the President's supporters in Hollywood. Crawford played back-to-back soundbites from liberal comedian ...
Appearing as a guest on Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, liberal talk radio host Joe Madison declared that Rush Limbaugh is "big, fat, happy with all the health insurance he needs" as he ...
In his hilariously over-the-top, self-aggrandizing return to MSNBC's 5pm EDT hour, Ed Schultz slammed the Republicans for spending the summer "lying." As I Want It All by Queen blared, Schultz ...
CBS This Morning was the sole Big Three morning newscast on Thursday to report that delivery company UPS was cutting health insurance to 15,000 spouses of employees due to the rising costs related ...