During Wednesday's post-election coverage, CNN largely ignored conservative ballot victories in Mississippi and Ohio and Republican gains in Virginia, rather focusing on two conservative ballot ...
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows found time to tout the defeat of an Ohio law curbing union power in Tuesday's election, while ignoring passage of another ballot initiative that made ...
A well-intentioned President Obama tried to transcend partisanship in Washington, but his efforts were derailed by an "express train of bile" ' according to CNN's Piers Morgan, on Wednesday.
Anchor Brian Williams led Tuesday's NBC Nightly News with a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation about the rising cost of health care, direly proclaiming: "We're going to begin tonight ...
No, it wasn't: "And following the last debate, when Mr. Paul was asked whether a young man without health insurance should be left to go without treatment - which was greeted with some chants of ...
Former NYT Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse is offended: "...I just don't get the attack on the federal law. I don't understand people who voluntarily, without claiming poverty, let their ...
Reporter Michael Shear takes it upon himself to defend liberal programs: "When it comes to health care, Mr. Perry writes that President Obama's legislation on the subject was 'the closest this ...
Friday night's CBS Evening News examined Rick Perry's record in Texas, citing his claims his policies led to job creation but then pivoting to how "Perry's bedrock pledge to never raise taxes also ...
On Monday's Early Show, CBS slanted towards supporters of a new Obama administration mandate which requires private insurance companies to cover contraception as part of women's "preventative ...
Last week, the New York Times reported that the White House "declined to challenge" the debunking of President Obama's repeated claim that his mother had to fight with her health insurance company ...