While grilling former Pennsylvania Senator and presidential hopeful Rick Santorum on NBC's Sunday Meet the Press, host David Gregory was skeptical of the idea that Americans should be able to ...
According to the three major networks, the granting of numerous waivers to Barack Obama's health care law, including 38 in April alone to wealthy, entertainment businesses in Nancy Pelosi's San ...
In Wednesday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer touted the one year anniversary of the passage of ObamaCare: "One year ago today, President Obama signed the health care reform bill ...
ABC, CBS and NBC on Monday night devoted more than half of their evening newscasts to the turmoil in Egypt, but while CBS and NBC squeezed in brief mentions of how a federal judge agreed with 26 ...
Two signs Sunday morning of how the Washington press corps are dismissive and befuddled by the Tea Party. On This Week, they flummoxed Christiane Amanpour: "What on earth do they mean by that?" On ...
In the guise of a status report on ObamaCare, Katie Couric derided GOP efforts to repeal it. She pleaded to give it a chance as she rationalized "the law is vulnerable because of the complex way ...
NBC's failure to cover the Democratic congressman who compared Republicans to Nazis on the House floor trickled down to MSNBC Wednesday, as anchor Lawrence O'Donnell neglected the story in favor ...
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric was dismissive of a vote by House Republicans to repeal ObamaCare as she asked congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes: "There is no chance ...
"The health care law may not be popular, but many of the provisions now in effect are," ABC's Jonathan Karl asserted in his Thursday night look at the House vote to repeal ObamaCare as he ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday used ominous Democratic talking points and pressed Newt Gingrich as to whether Republicans are willing to put uninsured Americans at "risk" ...