On HBO, David Remnick, author of the new book, 'The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,' outed the real liberal agenda behind ObamaCare as he predicted that instead of being an "albatross" ...
Carl Hulse lets Bill Clinton suggest Tea Party protesters may be lighting the fuse for another Oklahoma City bombing: "The pitched attacks by some Republicans and conservatives during the health ...
On ABC's This Week, when Sam Donaldson recommended that President Barack Obama nominate, to replace Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, someone who "is going to stand up for the principles ' ...
Linda Douglass, the former ABC News and CBS News Washington correspondent who signed aboard the Obama campaign in May of 2008, is resigning next week from her post as Communications Director for ...
Commenting on the new health care law, on Wednesday's Late Show with David Letterman, comedian/actor Chris Rock cracked that ObamaCare opponents remind him of those against civil rights in the ...
During a fawning segment on a busy day of presidential traditions for Barack Obama, on Monday's CBS Evening News, fill-in anchor Harry Smith used the commander in chief's embarrassing pitch at the ...
ABC anchor Diane Sawyer, who in February demanded to know who will "keep insurance companies from jacking up premiums while making huge profits?", on Friday found her champion in the ...
Touting how "the Democratic National Committee has turned a lemon into lemonade," MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Friday afternoon proudly held up a DNC-produced T-shirt which picks up on Joe Biden's ...