At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "The health care debate gets ugly as Democrats who voted for reform report violence and death threats." In a report ...
New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse plays along with the Democrat exploitation of a few extremist protesters for political gain. Where was the Times when GOP campaign offices were ...
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse plays along with the Democrat exploitation of a few extremist protesters for political gain: "Still, the dark and personal tone of the final stages of the health ...
Sounding more like MSNBC's Countdown than impartial newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night by legitimizing Democratic talking points meant to discredit critics of the just-passed ...
CNN's Rick Sanchez repeatedly insinuated on his Rick's List program on Wednesday that Republican leaders and "crazy talk show hosts that are so right wing" were to blame for ten congressman ...
Even before ObamaCare passed, on CBS's Sunday Morning reporter Tracy Smith touted the bill as the fulfillment of a century of liberal efforts: "After months of rancor in the streets, and ...
On Wednesday, both NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America exclusively cited the latest Gallup/USA Today poll, which shows significantly more public support for ObamaCare than other recent ...
Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell suggests the Civil War settled federal government's right to dictate health insurance policy was settled by .
Getting carried away with her enthusiasm, Diane Sawyer opened ABC's World News on Tuesday night by proclaiming: "As of today, it is the law of the land that every man, woman and child in America ...