
In 'Angry' and 'Nasty' Atmosphere, CBS's Reid Contends Anti-ObamaCare Protesters 'Got Ugly'

Based on some mild and indiscernible shouts by people in a hallway outside the office of a House member, CBS's Chip Reid on Tuesday night tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming "at ...

Jack Cafferty: Pelosi 'Beyond Sleazy' For Endorsing Slaughter Solution

On Tuesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty returned to targeting Nancy Pelosi, this time for endorsing the controversial "Slaughter Solution" to passing ObamaCare through the House of ...

A Benign View of the 'Slaughter' House Rule to Pass Obama-Care Without a Vote

While the Times contents itself with a blog post Tuesday portraying Pelosi's proposal as benign, The Washington Post takes the story seriously, putting it on the front page under a blunt headline: ...

Prime Time CBS Drama to Target Health Insurance Company

Perfectly timed for the week President Barack Obama is pushing the House to vote on ObamaCare, on tonight's (Tuesday) episode of CBS's The Good Wife, set at a Chicago law firm, the lawyers "battle ...

NBC's Williams Trumpets New 'Catch Phrase' from Obama: 'We Need Courage!'

While ABC and CBS on Monday night focused on President Obama's "final push" for health care and the plight of Natoma Canfield, Obama's poster woman for victims of rising health insurance premiums, ...

ObamaCare Aided by Big Doses of Media Spin

MRC Details 12 Months of Friendly Coverage for Liberals, Hostility for Government Health Care Foes

ABC's Cokie Roberts Defends 'Substance' of ObamaCare

ABC's Cokie Roberts, who last December asserted that a "lot of people are going to like a whole lot once they see what's in" ObamaCare, during the Sunday, March 14, This Week on ABC defended the ...

ABC and CBS Pass Along Sympathetic Anecdotes from Left-Wing Anti-Insurance Protest

ABC and CBS on Tuesday night picked up on the cause of a small anti-health insurance industry protest in DC organized by left-wing labor groups, but instead of denigrating them as the networks did ...

NBC Applauds Obama's 'Fighting' Mode as He Catches Up with Sawyer's Insurance Demonization

"During the presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama often used the phrase 'fired up' to do just that to the crowd. Democrats have been openly wondering when he was going to bring that ...

What's Couric Drinking? She Raises Hypocritical Stands By Obama and Pelosi

What is Katie Couric drinking these days? Who has taken over her body? The CBS Evening News anchor on Wednesday night cited hypocritical positions or actions taken by President Barack Obama ...
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