Give the Times points for nerve: Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney managed to take the paper's new poll, full of bad news for President Obama and Democrats, and twist its findings to suggest ...
In a new CBS News/New York Times poll, President Barack Obama's disapproval level jumped five points, to 45 percent since the last survey in mid-January, with approval now at just 46 percent, but ...
Though 53 percent disapprove of Obama's handling of health care and more are opposed to than in favor of the congressional Democrats/Obama plan, ABC's George Stephanopoulos asserted a health care ...
Cautioning the Obama administration's "deficit projections...are just that, projections," NBC's Chuck Todd on Monday evening bought into the claim health care reform bills are actually spending ...
On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith introduced a bizarre story designed to show how desperate the situation is for people lacking health insurance: "A California woman has launched a ...
Barbara Walters began her This Week interview with Scott Brown by reciting how "at 12 you were arrested for shoplifting" and "at 22 you posed nude," before she pressed him from the left to ...
Reporting on President Obama's appearance before GOP House members at their retreat in Baltimore, Chip Reid was in awe of Obama and delivered lines that might as well have been formulated by White ...
Scott Brown replacing Ted Kennedy in the Senate really irritated Washington Post business section columnist Steven Pearlstein, who cited Brown's victory as an example of the "wretched" state of ...
On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith spoke to former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, who claimed the GOP "made a decision a year ago that they weren't going to ...