
Chris Matthews: Catholic Bishops 'Should Stay Off Capitol Hill'

"The clergy should stay off Capitol Hill," MSNBC's Chris Matthews flatly declared on Tuesday's Hardball. Matthews fumed with disgust as Politico's Jonathan Allen told him that Catholic bishops ...

'Noisy Rally' By 'a Few Thousand' Matched by 'Powerful' AARP and AMA Endorsements

The ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts Thursday night squeezed in full stories pegged to a "kill the bill" anti-Pelosi/ObamaCare rally outside the U.S. Capitol attended by "angry protesters" as all the ...

Parallels to Obamamania in ABC's 'V' Sci-Fi Mini-Series, Plus Reporter Helps the Aliens

ABC's 'V' mini-series, which will debut tonight (Tuesday) in the first hour of prime time, is "nominally a rousing sci-fi space opera about alien invaders bent on the conquest (and digestion) of ...

Newsweek Despairs 'Checks and Balances' Impede ObamaCare

Penning the lead for "Yes He Can (But He Sure Hasn't Yet)" Newsweek cover, "A Liberal's Survival Guide," Anna Quindlen defended Obama from complaints he's not enacting liberal policies fast ...

A Tale of Two States: Socialist Hawaii vs. Conservative Utah on Health

Times reporters embrace Hawaii's socialist universal health scheme ("Lawmakers working on a national health care fix have much to learn from the past 35 years in Hawaii") but dislike Utah's ...

ABC Uses Obama's '9-Month Anniversary' to Tout Popularity Over Republicans

ABC led Monday night with a poll timed to the nine-month mark of the Obama presidency - as if that's an important date, and spent as much time on record low affinity for Republicans. Charles ...

Gibson Reaches Back to Teddy Roosevelt to Tout 'Universal Health' as Closer Than Ever

"In 1912, almost a hundred years ago," ABC's Charles Gibson trumpeted, "Teddy Roosevelt called for universal health care. It now may be closer than at any time since then." Katie Couric championed ...

Flustered CBS: Baucus' ObamaCare 'Would Reduce the Deficit,' Yet 'Republicans Still Oppose It'

The Senate Finance Committee's ObamaCare bill will spend $829 billion, but CBS Evening News Maggie Rodriquez trumpeted how "according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget ...

Chris Matthews: Joe Wilson 'Wrong' But Would Be 'Absurd' for Alan Grayson to Apologize

It would be "absurd" for Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (D) to apologize for insisting recently that Republicans stand behind a health care "holocaust," MSNBC's Chris Matthews argued on Thursday's ...

Brian Williams Highlights 'Incendiary' Attack on GOP by Dem Congressman

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave attention to "incendiary" comments made by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson of ...
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