
HBO's Maher: Americans too 'Stupid' so President Should Force ObamaCare into Law

'Real Time' host on health care battle says Sen. Baucus 'Needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern's head in his bed.'

Times Turnaround? Concerns Over "Death Panels" Suddenly Not So Outlandish

A week after the Times declared concern over health-care rationing under Obama's reforms a "false" idea spread by conservative conspiracists, health care reporter Robert Fear says those "concerns ...

ABC Manages to Find 'Glass Half Full' for Obama on Health as His Polls Fall

ABC on Friday night made clear how President Obama is losing favor on health, but Kate Snow still saw a "glass half full" view: "It's not all bad news for the President...if you look at the glass ...

Time Mag's Halperin on CNN: Lack of Universal Coverage 'Immoral'

"We're the only industrialized democracy that doesn't cover every citizen" and "that is immoral," Mark Halperin, editor-at-large and senior political analyst for Time magazine where he oversees ...

Nets Use Nazi Comparison to Tar Obama Opponents, Delight in Barney Frank's Retort

ABC, CBS and NBC on Wednesday night all showcased liberal Congressman Barney Frank's rejoinder - "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" - to a woman's question: "Why do you continue to ...

Looking for a Health Care Scapegoat: Networks Try to Marginalize Talk Radio

Media blame ObamaCare struggles on conservative stations, reminiscent of 2007 immigration reform failure.

NBC: After Town Hall 'Madness' Obama Condition 'Stable'; Don't Fact Check Obama

NBC turned opposition to ObamaCare into a "split" in public opinion in a NBC poll as Chuck Todd assessed Obama's health effort "is stable," and he listed four charges against the bills which he ...

Dear NY Times: Right to Worry about ObamaCare

Despite Krugman, there are many reasons to fear the unintended consequences of health 'reform.'

Tina Brown Compares People Seeking 'Free' Health Care to Katrina Victims

Daily Beast editor tells 'Morning Joe' photos of thousands in line for treatment speak louder than town halls.

Olbermann: Senator's ObamaCare Opposition Product of Campaign Bribery; Huffington Calls for Censure

Huff Po editor: Grassley 'absolutely lied' about health care; 'Countdown' host asserts senators were threatened to be cut off from campaign funding.
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