
CBS Disguises Single-Payer Group's 45,000 Deaths Claim as a 'Harvard' Study

Trying to boost the rationale for ObamaCare, Thursday's CBS Evening News ran two stories from far-left sources, but disguised the agenda behind both. Katie Couric announced that "while the debate ...

NBC: 'Blunt' Carter 'Prompted Us to Reexamine Our Assumptions About Race'

An evening after trumpeting President Jimmy Carter's racism charge, NBC led Wednesday night with the "fallout" as Andrea Mitchell proposed that though "many thought" the "racial divisions" were ...

IBD Poll Disputes Media Claims Most Doctors Back ObamaCare

A new poll of more than 1,300 physicians finds that nearly two-thirds (65%) oppose ObamaCare and nearly half would consider quitting if the liberal health care plan passes. The poll deflates media ...

ABC: Obama Critics 'Driven By Refusal to Accept Black President'; NBC Trumpets Carter's Racism Charges

Tuesday night ABC and NBC joined efforts to undermine the tea parties by smearing them as racists. ABC framed a story around "Obama supporters are now saying" the opposition to him is "driven, in ...

CNN's Situation Room Charges: 'Racial Tinge to Tea Movement'

CNN's efforts to smear Obama critics as racist gained visibility on Monday's Situation Room when the usually more sensible Wolf Blitzer, with "RACIAL TINGE TO TEA MOVEMENT" as the on-screen ...

60 Minutes Gives Obama Yet Another Platform, At Least Challenges Him a Bit

60 Minutes gave President Obama at least his fourth platform since his election, and while Steve Kroft framed the segment around how Obama "seemed confident that he had succeeded" in his ...

Maher Charges Racism Fuels Disrespect of Obama, Sees 'Subliminal Racism' on Drudge

Friday night on HBO, Bill Maher tried to discredit critics of President Obama, including those concerned about his talk to school children, by smearing them as racists ' before he pointed to a ...

CBS Touts 12-Point Health Approval Jump for Obama; NBC: Wilson 'Continues to Reverberate'

President Obama's speech "to rescue health care reform" caused "a 12-point improvement from last week" so "52 percent now approve of the way he's handling health care," Katie Couric announced ...

Network Echo Chamber: Appalled by Ugly 'Shout Heard 'Round the World'

Media minds think alike. ABC: "It was the shout heard 'round the world." CBS: "It was the shout heard 'round the world." NBC, slightly creative: "The outburst heard 'round the world" and the ...

'Touch of Greatness' in 'Remarkable' Speech About 'Re-Branding' Obama as 'Centrist'

Favorable assessments of President Obama's speech: MSNBC's Keith Olbermann heard "a touch of greatness," on ABC, George Stephanopoulos saw "a pretty remarkable speech," NBC's Chuck Todd insisted ...
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