
ABC: Anti-ObamaCare Protest 'Turned Very Ugly' with 'Racial and Homophobic Slurs'

Though "thousands" of anti-ObamaCare protesters gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday, ABC decided to smear the entire cause by stressing the despicable actions of a handful as anchor David ...

ABC Casts Democrats as Profiles in Courage, Republicans as Grief-Exploiting Meanies

Back-to-back reports at the top of ABC's Good Morning America on March 20 provided a good illustration of the liberal media trope that Republicans sink to using offensive hardball tactics while ...

ABC Highlights Congresswoman Upset ObamaCare Opponents Dare Pressure Her via TV Ad

Complete with a photo of her late parents, ABC's Jonathan Karl concluded his Friday night story on undecided Democratic House members by conveying the complaint of Penn's Kathy Dahlkemper, who ...

CBS Continues to Recite ObamaCare Talking Points; Dems Praise Reporting

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "After more than a year of debate, Democrats say they're on the verge of passing historic health care legislation." And touted the ...

Washington Post's Pearlstein: Passing Health Bill Will 'Restore...Trust and Confidence in Ourselves'

"It's shaping up to be a great weekend here in Washington," Washington Post business columnist Steven Pearlstein proclaimed Friday, because of the likely "vote in the House that would finally have ...

Herszenhorn's Shallow Analysis of CBO's Obama-Care Numbers: Imagine a Fruit Salad

David Herszenhorn's shallow analysis of the CBO cost estimates for Obama-care framed the outcome as a political triumph for Obama. By contrast, the Washington Post actually drilled into the ...

CBS as 'Giddy' as Democrats Over 'Certified Price Tag' from 'Trusted' CBO

"Democrats used the word 'giddy' to describe their reaction when they got the cost estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)," NBC's Kelly O'Donnell relayed Thursday night, ...

Cheerleaders for ObamaCare: A Year of Slanted Media Coverage (Video)

As the Media Research Center's latest Media Reality Check details, over the past year, the media have served as cheerleaders for ObamaCare, praising the proposed legislation, while continually ...

The Times' Obama-Care Optimism Remains Unquenched

Reporter David Herszenhorn's eternal (and so-far misguided) optimism on the prospects for Obama-care once again burns bright in Thursday's lead story on health-care reform push, Showdown Near ...

CBS Charged Anti-ObamaCare Protesters Acted in 'Ugly' Manner, But Politico Found Them 'Polite' and 'Boring'

CBS's Chip Reid tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming the Tea Party activists "tried to lobby undecided Democrats. At times, it got ugly." But Politico relayed "staff members for ...
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