
ABC and NBC Continue Van Jones Blackout, Instead Tout Obama's 'Transparency' and Rue Attacks on Him

ABC and NBC Friday night continued blacking out the radical views of "green jobs" czar Van Jones. Instead of taking up how he signed the 911truth.org petition, George Stephanopoulos trumpeted ...

Obama School Talk Push Back Framed Around Exasperation Over 'Hyper-Partisan Era'

The ABC and NBC anchors on Thursday night framed stories, on the controversy over President Obama's upcoming Tuesday address to the nations' schoolchildren accompanied by a Department of Education ...

Flashback: When Sawyer Anchored World News, She Got Giddy Over Obama Passing Out Cookies

When Diane Sawyer filled in as World News anchor in February, she admired a "scrapbook, if you will, of the President's journey on the road to the stimulus package." She effused: "I want to show ...

NBC Frets Over Filling Kennedy's 'Void,' Skips How He and Democrats Created It

With "Filling the VOID" as the on-screen heading, Monday's NBC Nightly News, without any consideration for how Massachusetts Democrats blocked the Governor's interim appointment power, fretted ...

Sheehan More Consistent Than Media: She Protests Bush and Obama, Media Only Bush

On a Sunday evening four summers ago the NBC Nightly News explored how Cindy Sheehan was "single-handedly bringing the Iraq debate to Mr. Bush's doorstep." But Sunday night this year, after ...

ABC Touts Democratic 'Battle Cry' to 'Win One for Teddy' on Health

ABC displayed "Battle Cry" on screen as anchor Charles Gibson teased Thursday's World News: "Health care reformers hope to win one for Teddy, but the opposition is largely unmoved." Gibson ...

ABC and NBC Resist Vindicating Cheney, But Hayes Finds Proof EIT's 'Effective'

ABC's Brian Ross and NBC's Andrea Mitchell both balked at vindicating Dick Cheney on if "enhanced interrogation techniques" prevented attacks. "Nowhere...does the CIA ever draw a direct connection ...

USA Today on Obama's Book List: 'Smart' Choices Display His 'Exquisite Taste'

USA Today reporter Richard Wolf's Tuesday news story on President Barack Obama's vacation book reading list flattered Obama for his "smart" and "exquisite" choice in the five books the White House ...

Couric Marvels at Obama's New 'Wee Wee'd' Term; Obama's Book List Impresses Williams

Much of the media spent the last eight years ridiculing President Bush's verbal communication and lack of reading skills, but Monday night, CBS and NBC used President Barack Obama's first full day ...

ABC Manages to Find 'Glass Half Full' for Obama on Health as His Polls Fall

ABC on Friday night made clear how President Obama is losing favor on health, but Kate Snow still saw a "glass half full" view: "It's not all bad news for the President...if you look at the glass ...
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