
CBS Again Insists Sotomayor No Ideologue; Scant Attention to Plunge in Obama's Approval

CBS's Wyatt Andrews insisted Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor cannot be categorized ideologically and highlighted "the first spotlight moment for...Al Franken who cast himself as new but ...

ABC Showcases Russian Teens Excited by Obama: 'Energetic' and 'Innovator'

After the Bush years Russians are naturally "wary" of a U.S. President, but ABC still managed to highlight teens, at a "Kremlin-sponsored summer camp," optimistic about President Obama." One ...

On FNC, Pinkerton Compares CNN on 'Bold' Obama to 'Stalinesque Fakery'

Picking up on how CNN's Suzanne Malveaux hailed, as "a bold display of presidential concern," President Obama hugging a woman at Wednesday's health care forum, Jim Pinkerton, on FNC's Fox ...

CBS Doesn't Mention Obama as Unemployment Hits 26-Year High

Unemployment in June hit 9.5%, the highest since 1983, as 467,000 jobs were lost, yet the CBS Evening News didn't mention President Obama or his "stimulus" while NBC only touched Obama's policies ...

Krauthammer on Press/Obama: 'The Hot Sex is Over, They're In the Cigarette Stage'

NPR's Nina Totenberg scolded the adversarial approach some took to Obama during Tuesday's press conference, but on Inside Washington columnist Charles Krauthammer rejected the notion the media's ...

ABC Endorses ObamaCare Premise: 'The Need is Obvious'

Hours before ABC's prime time special with President Obama from the White House, a World News piece conveyed the public's doubts that Obama will achieve his goals, but also endorsed Obama's ...

CBS Confirms ObamaCare Would Oust People from Health Insurance and Doctor

CBS, of all news outlets, is setting a high standard for ABC to meet in its White House broadcasts. Tuesday night, just a week after a "Reality Check" on how President Obama's claim that his ...

Krauthammer: Press 'Stupor' on Obama 'Lifting Slightly'; Hume: Reporters Were Tired of Criticism

Columnist Charles Krauthammer noted on FNC's Special Report that while "there wasn't exactly aggressiveness on the part of the press" during the afternoon presidential press conference, "it looked ...

Stephanopoulos: Obama' 'Obsessed' with FNC; NYT's Keller Denies Pro-Obama Bias

ABC's This Week took up media favoritism toward Obama. George Stephanopoulos marveled at "how obsessed" Obama is with Fox News, prompting George Will to observe "it's the discordant note in an ...

ABC Promises 'Tough Questions' for Obama in 'Television Event'

Friday's World News carried a 15-second promo for Wednesday night's controversial prime time special, "Questions for the President: Prescription for America." Over video of President Barack Obama, ...
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