
The "Obesity Epidemic"?

Liberal health zealotry in the Times.

CBS Obesity Report Trims Opposing Views

'Evening News' story shorts personal responsibility and cost arguments.

Media Rely on Stories That Are 'Bad for You'

Sugar and spice and everything else are all supposedly harmful - except when they're not.

Trans Fats: Public Health Enemy No. 1?

Media focus on trans fats is misleading and distracts from serious health threats.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

USA Today: Room for Worry in New Study on College Weight Gain

The 'Freshman 15' reported more like the 'Freshman 8,' but reporter Nanci Hellmich focused on complaints from nutritionists about foods offered in college dining halls.

NBC's Phillips Cites Psychologist Who Blames Advertising for Obesity

But the 'Dateline' excerpt left out that main source founded an organization dedicated to regulating advertising to children.

Media's New Beef with Fast Food: Now Salads Are Bad, Too

NBC consumer correspondent warns that big salads are big on calories.

ABC's Lisa Stark Pours Cold Milk on Advertising Trend

Reporter presents kid-friendly food sites as 'Wild West' in need of regulation.

Food Food Everywhere, But Not a Bite to Eat

Washington Post reporter complains about supermarkets, citing a critic who thinks Americans spend too little and eat too much.
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