
NBC's Gregory Not Sure if Role of Enhanced Interrogation in bin Laden Killing is 'Objectively Knowable'

On NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, host David Gregory remained highly skeptical of the role enhanced interrogation tactics played in tracking down and killing Osama bin Laden: "Khalid Sheikh ...

Michael Moore: You 'Hate Being an American' If You Wanted Bin Laden Killed Without a Trial

Ever looking to criticize the American populace from his cardboard platform, filmmaker Michael Moore lashed out Thursday on CNN at supporters of Osama bin Laden's assassination. "We've lost ...

NY Times Says It's 'Ugly' to Celebrate bin Laden's Death

The headline over Benedict Carey's NY Times story: "Celebrating a Death: Ugly, Maybe, but Only Human." Carey wrote: "Some Americans celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden loudly, with chanting ...

NY Times Says It's 'Ugly' to Celebrate bin Laden's Death

The headline over Benedict Carey's story: "Celebrating a Death: Ugly, Maybe, but Only Human." Carey writes: "Some Americans celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden loudly, with chanting and ...

NBC's Today Takes Sympathetic Look at 'Devoted' Mrs. Osama bin Laden

In report from Pakistan on Friday's NBC Today, news anchor and soon-to-be co-host Ann Curry offered this description of Osama bin Laden's widow, Amal al-Sada: "After more than 10 years of ...

On Defensive, NY Times Takes on 'Torture Apologists' Who See Vindication of Harsh Interrogation Tactics

From Thursday's NYT lead editorial: "One reaction, however, was both cynical and disturbing: crowing by the apologists and practitioners of torture that Bin Laden's death vindicated their immoral ...

On Defensive, NY Times Takes on 'Torture Apologists' Who See Vindication of Harsh Interrogation Tactics

From Thursday's NYT lead editorial: "One reaction, however, was both cynical and disturbing: crowing by the apologists and practitioners of torture that Bin Laden's death vindicated their immoral ...

NYT: Obama Nabbing Osama: 'Glow of National Pride;' Bush's Capture of Saddam 'Momentarily' Halted 'Spiral of Concern'

First sentence of the New York Times' second paragraph on Obama's poll numbers post-Osama: "The glow of national pride...support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and ...

On Defensive, Times Takes on 'Torture Apologists' Who See Vindication of Harsh Interrogation Tactics

Thursday's lead editorial: "The killing of Osama bin Laden provoked a host of reactions from Americans: celebration, triumph, relief, closure and renewed grief. One reaction, however, was both ...

Obama Nabbing Osama: 'Glow of National Pride;' Bush's Capture of Saddam 'Momentarily' Halted 'Spiral of Concern'

First sentence of the Times' second paragraph on Obama's rising poll numbers after Osama's capture: "The glow of national pride seemed to rise above partisan politics, as support for the president ...
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