
Times Watch Quotes of Note - Beware the 'Symbolic Phallus' of Summer Movie Season

Also, Matt Bai reveals his political sympathies in separate profiles of Mario Cuomo and Newt Gingrich, the Times suggests it's "ugly" to celebrate the death of a mass terrorist, and meet the new ...

Manohla Dargis Tries to Ruin Another Summer Movie Season, Laments 'Symbolic Phallus'

Also, Matt Bai makes his political sympathies in profiles of Newt Gingrich and Mario Cuomo, and a headline suggests it's "ugly" to celebrate the death of a mass terrorist.

NBC Cheers John McCain 'Denouncing Torture' of Terror Detainees

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams incredulously noted how "...it's become fashionable among some to say...that so-called enhanced interrogation, what some define as ...

Flashback: ABC Tossed Softballs to bin Laden's Son and Touted His 'Glamorous' Wife

While Good Morning America covered the news that Omar bin Laden, the son of the terrorist mastermind, has condemned the U.S. for his father's killing, no mention was made of GMA's January 22, 2008 ...

Cancel the Election Already? CNN Anchor Asks If Obama Is 'Unbeatable' in 2012

If CNN's Roland Martin gives the same answer as a tea party conservative, you know you've asked him a pretty bizarre question. On Monday's 10 a.m. EDT news hour, CNN anchor Carol Costello asked ...

Howard Kurtz Uses Osama Death to Rerun Charge Media Were 'Too Passive' Toward Bush on Terror

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN host Howard Kurtz used the killing of Osama bin Laden to revisit how the media were too deferential to the Bush administration. Kurtz questioned the validity of ...

Ed Schultz Tangles With a Guest More Liberal Than Him, Spins Obama as 'on the Footsteps of Greatness'

MSNBC's Ed Schultz is so pro-Barack Obama that he wasn't the most liberal person on his Monday program. The Ed Show host hyperbolically praised the President as "on the footsteps of greatness" and ...

CBS Omits Waterboarding, Other Key Issues from Obama Interview

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Steve Kroft failed to bring up key issues related to the killing of Osama bin Laden during an interview of President Obama. Most prominently, Kroft omitted the ...

Juan Williams Refers to the 'Murder' of bin Laden

While discussing what role President Bush and enhanced interrogations played in the death of Osama bin Laden, Fox News Sunday panelist Juan Williams referred to the terrorist's death as "murder."
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