Planned Parenthood
7/21/2015 5:08 PM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC show their true colors in PPFA coverage.
7/20/2015 1:53 PM ET
Dr. Willie Parker applauds friend and colleague Dr. Nucatola.
7/15/2015 3:16 PM ET
Berkshire Hathaway CEO increases already significant financial support of Planned Parenthood.
7/15/2015 11:56 AM ET
MRC Culture Vice President Dan Gainor issued the following statement after
ABC and CBS ignored a chilling video of Planned Parenthood’s Senior
Director of Medical Services selling body parts ...
7/14/2015 1:55 PM ET
Pro-life leaders denounce Planned Parenthood for selling baby parts.
6/1/2015 2:45 PM ET
Media praise abortion mill’s community involvement.
4/30/2015 2:13 PM ET
Richards cheerleads for infanticide in TIME.
3/19/2015 2:17 PM ET
Ignoring her abortion opposition, blog praises Planned Parenthood founder.
3/9/2015 2:44 PM ET
At 50th anniversary of civil rights march, host says it has evolved for Planned Parenthood supporters.
1/9/2015 2:13 PM ET
There really is such a thing as a stupid question.