Planned Parenthood

Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Campaign Eliminates ‘Pro-Life,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Language

Orwellian wordplay from the abortion giant.
Media Research Center

New York Times Delivers One-Sided Story on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Reporter Pam Belluck made Saturday's front page with her slant against the rising pro-life trend of Christian-run pregnancy centers: "Abortion rights advocates have long called some of their ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Soiled' Komen Foundation Trying to 'Restore Faith' After Planned Parenthood 'Controversy'

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly touted ongoing trouble for the nation's largest breast cancer charity: "...the controversy involving the Susan G. Komen Foundation ...
Media Research Center

LA Times Supports Planned Parenthood Partnership with Local School District

Contraceptives now widely available on high school campuses in LA County, no parental consent required.
Media Research Center

A Week Later, Networks Still Silent about Planned Parenthood Videos

During Komen controversy, ABC, CBS and NBC provided 30 minutes of coverage in a week.
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Growing Demands' Komen Foundation 'Clean House' After 'Mistakes' Over Planned Parenthood

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams touted the handiwork of Planned Parenthood's vicious attacks against the Susan G. Komen foundation: "The nation's largest breast cancer ...
Media Research Center

NYT Rushes to Texas Planned Parenthood's Aid in Front-Page Story

The New York Times runs to Planned Parenthood's front-page defense in Texas against the budget-slashing, anti-choice state legislature: "But the clinic closed in October, along with more than a ...
Planned Parenthood logo

In Komen Struggle, Media Ignore Planned Parenthood's Worth a Billion Dollars

Komen's contributions are a drop in the bucket. But it's not about the money.
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