
NYT's Blow Goes After "Limbaugh-tomized Minions of the Far, Far Right"

With admirable concision, Times columnist Charles Blow (pictured) packs lots of GOP insults - "three blind mice," "axis of drivel" - into one short column.

Times Blares Bad Poll News for McCain, Says Ayers-Obama Tie Just an "Allegation"

The Obama-Ayers association is merely an "allegation" being made by McCain: "How much have you heard or read about the allegation by the McCain campaign that Barack Obama was associated with Bill ...

Double Standard: Obama Surge Newsworthy, McCain Comeback Ignored

Obama's lead rising from five points to nine? Big story. Obama's lead cut back from nine to four? No mention at all.

What About Iraq? NYT Pollsters Skip Long-Standing Question

After five years of asking respondents how they think things are going in Iraq, Times' pollsters suddenly switch to Afghanistan, where prospects are worse. Is it because an improving Iraq is ...

Chief Political Reporter Responds to Obama Camp Criticism - and Agrees

Would a Times reporter respond as respectfully after an attack from a Republican?

Has Obama Really Overcome His Wright Problem? NYT Says Sure

But a new USA Today/Gallup poll found the opposite to be true: "One-third of likely voters say Obama's ties to Wright make them less likely to vote for him."

"Overwhelming Margin" of U.S. Public Thinks War Cost Hurting Economy

Reporter John Broder: "With long-term estimates of the cost of the Iraq war ranging from $1 trillion to $3 trillion or more, the question naturally arises of what else the country could have done ...

Times Mostly Falls for Hillary's Tears

The news pages mostly fall for Hillary's emotional display, but Maureen Dowd detects "a whiff of Nixonian self-pity."

Times Cites Vague Pro-SCHIP Poll, Ignores More Factual One Showing Lack of Support

Robert Pear trumpeted a CBS News poll that "found overwhelming support for expansion of the program to include some middle-class uninsured children," ignored a more specific one that showed people ...

Does GOP Know Giuliani's Pro-Choice? Either Way, He's in Trouble

The Times plays the abortion card both ways to show Rudy Giuliani will have trouble with Republican voters.
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