
U.S. Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unlabeled Hillary Pollster

The Times runs a pro-illegal immigrant story and quotes the pollster behind it as saying "Mexican immigrants don't feel welcome in the U.S. anymore" - but fails to point out he's also part of ...

Kaus on Fire Over NYT's Bad Immigration Polling

Slate's Mickey Kaus: "That NYT -CBS poll purporting to show support for the Kyl-Kennedy semi-amnesty isn't as bad as I realized. It's worse!"

Times Asks "...Has the Weather Been Stranger Than Usual?"

A Times' poll assumes "global warming" is happening and caused by human activity like driving.

Adam Nagourney: First Democratic Optimism, then GOP Pessimism

The Times' idea of balance: Both sides think Democrats are in good shape for 2008.

Nagourney Sees Echoes of 1994 GOP Takeover

The Times gets excited about its latest poll's good news for Democrats: "The disdain for Congress is as intense as it has been since 1994...
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