
Media Research Center

Modern Family, Major Plot Problems

I expose Modern Family's plot problems
Media Research Center

Bloomberg’s Soda Ban Passes, After Steady Stream of Media Attacks on Soft Drinks

New York City Board of Health approves the mayor’s proposed soda ban in spite of lack of evidence regulation will lower obesity.
Media Research Center

YouTube? More Like LibTube

New channels sprinkled with outlandish liberal voices, devoid of conservative views.

'Yay for Gay' iPad Kids' Book 'Teaches Open-mindedness'

Childrens book allows toddler to shake iPad, change gender and sexual orientation of parents.

Rebecca Black... On Second Thought

"Friday" may be just the gift parents and conservatives didnt realize they had received.

Music Producer Slams 'Soft Pornography' of Pop

English music mogul echoes parents' concerns about exposing kids to sexualized entertainment.

Media Praise Catholic-Bashing Lady Gaga Video

'Alejandro' features homoerotic, S&M, religious imagery in what some call 'blasphemy.'

'World News' Shills for Soda Tax to Fight Obesity

ABC segment leans toward engineering human behavior with taxes, neglects personal responsibility for drink choices.

Assault on the Great American Cookout

From the media's war on obesity to global warming, grilling and picnic foods just shouldn't be on the menu.

Media Operate in Concert with Gore's Music Plans

Print, broadcast ignore hypocrisy of a 'green' event that could pollute every continent.
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