
Media Research Center

The Nation Celebrates 150th Anniversary with Praise from Gorbachev, Dinkins and Other Far Left Support

Progressive magazine reviews its long history and promises to continue promoting radical liberalism in US.
Media Research Center

NBC Hypes Far-Left Russell Brand and His ‘Big Thoughts on Big Issues’

On Monday's NBC’s Today, Matt Lauer interviewed far-left actor Russell Brand and gave him ample opportunity to promote his new book and what Lauer described as his “big thoughts on big issues,” ...
Media Research Center

Liberal Media Embrace ‘Rock Star’ Far-Left Economist Piketty

French economist’s massive economic text touted as ‘beach read,’ in spite of radical proposals like 80 percent tax on incomes above $500,000.
Media Research Center

New York Times pro-Islamic Complaint Relies on Group That Got $7 Million from Soros

All the news that's fit to print doesnt include any funding questions for pro-Muslim organization.

Environmentalists to Civilization: Drop Dead!

Radical environmentalists call for destruction of industrialized civilization and agriculture, demand return to primitive living.

Media Highlight Wanted Terrorist Al Awlaki, Forget They Called Him 'Moderate'

Media called recent U.S. target a bridge-builder pre-9/11.

Speak No Evil: Networks Obscure Deadly Extremism of Muslim Brotherhood

Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.

More Obama Ogling In Newsweek

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