
CNN Hypes Backover Danger of SUVs

'American Morning' features advocate for more regulation, rear-view cameras, even though study finds they have their limits.

'Today' Show Hypes Bus Injury Study, Giving Support to More Regulation

But reporter Tom Costello left out how studies show seat belts do more harm than good.

ABC Reheats Leftover Bias on Global Warming, Showcases Hansen

Global warming skeptics, critics of NASA's Hansen left out in the cold; Hansen's 'political inclinations' lean heavily left.

CNBC 'Global Players' Special Stacked Deck in Favor of Environmental Regulation

Slanting the field 4-to-1, network hyped NASA scientist, dismissed Competitive Enterprise Institute critic.

ABC Issues Stark Call for More Produce Regulation

Liberal leanings of CSPI, Democratic senator ignored in story favoring bigger government.

V for Verizon? One Reporter's Telecom Vendetta

CNN's Allen Wastler rings bell for more government interference with telecoms, but ignores consumers' existing costs from high taxes and regulation.

CBS's Regan Burns Sunscreen Makers with Biased Report

Reporter pushes for FDA regulation, includes only pro-regulation sources.

CBS Hints at More Regulation for the Power Industry

But energy experts point to regulation as the cause for existing problems.
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