
Schumer Has Praise for Paulson's Regulatory Restructuring Plan

Democratic New York senator tells CNBC's Erin Burnett that Paulson's plan is 'a good foundation.'

'Clean Air' Pioneer Predicts Carbon Cap-and-Trade Within Two Years

Environmental Defense Fund director says carbon cap inevitable based on the three remaining presidential choices.

'Evening News' Takes EPA to Task on CO2, Claims Supreme Court Gave an Order

CBS segment bashes agency for not being more aggressive in policing carbon in the wake of congressional hearing.

Obama Spokesman: Government Mandates Don't Work

Co-chairman of liberal presidential candidate's campaign admits government-mandated health care just isn't feasible.

Behar Blames Restaurants for Obesity, Declares People 'Victims' of Eating

'The View' co-host says restaurants, not overeaters, are to blame for obesity.

CBS Cites Left-Wing CSPI to Wage Assault on Salt

'Salt trumps fat' in 'Evening News' coverage on the eve of FDA hearings to decide whether salt should be regulated as a food additive.

CNN 'Fit Nation' Force Feeds Big Helping of Government

Dr. Sanjay Gupta promotes Los Angeles 'health' zoning that would prohibit new fast-food restaurants.

CNN Contradicts Itself on 'Danger' of Energy Drinks

'American Morning' worries about 'wildly popular' beverages, but Dr. Gupta says 'safe.'

Washington Post, USA Today Favor Liberal's Plan to Regulate Mortgages

Newspapers showcase Rep. Barney Frank's plan to further 'control' the industry, virtually ignore criticism and opposition.

What Happens to Companies That 'Go Green'

Mutual fund manager explains why consumers, shareholders and business leaders should be skeptical of global warming regulation lobbying and 'market-based' solutions.
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