8/1/2013 10:06 AM ET
557,000 of 753,000 jobs added in 2013 were part-time.
6/26/2013 12:39 PM ET
President announces ‘sweeping’ plan that would punish power plants, but hardly a hint of criticism on networks.
4/3/2013 9:53 AM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC promote new EPA regulations, undermine critics.
3/28/2013 7:00 AM ET
Time and time again, news
outlets promote and praise everything mayor proposes.
3/13/2013 1:27 PM ET
“Large sugary drinks” got a reprieve this week after a judge struck down New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on drinks above a certain size and in only some dining establishments. But ...
1/18/2013 11:22 AM ET
Network website runs CSPI report including accusation and calls for regulation.
12/19/2012 10:58 AM ET
Reporter from Soros-funded NPR StateImpact confuses fact and Hollywood fiction.
8/27/2012 7:00 AM ET
corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push
prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.