
Media Research Center

Networks Accuse GOP of 'Partisan Standoff' After 'Rare Move' to Block Hagel Nomination

Following the failure of former Senator Chuck Hagel to receive enough votes in the Senate on Thursday to be confirmed as defense secretary, NBC, ABC, and CBS all immediately turned their ire ...
Media Research Center

Joe Scarborough to Wash Post: 'I Don’t Expect to Be Cheering House Republicans Anytime Soon'

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent on Tuesday seemed shocked that Joe Scarborough, who he paints as the voice of moderation, agrees more with Democrats on deficit issues than Republicans. On the ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Alleged 'Conservative' Tanenhaus Cowardly Links GOP to Racism in Story for Liberal Mag

Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus cowardly links the GOP to racism: "Character, he presumably meant, like that exhibited by Republican delegates in Tampa, who thrilled to the refrain 'We ...
Media Research Center

NBC Journalists Agree: Obama 'Clearly Has the Upper Hand On the Budget'

On Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory seized on an item in Politico arguing that upcoming sequester budget cuts could prove to be a "time bomb" for Republicans: "And the political ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: 'Central Beliefs' of GOP 'Have Hurt it With the Electorate'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory demanded Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor admit that the Republican Party's fundamental principles led to electoral defeat ...
Media Research Center

NBC Frets Over Sequester Taking 'Butcher's Knife' to Budget; Promoted 'Bold' Trillion-Dollar Stimulus

On NBC's Wednesday Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander wrung his hands over the possibility of sequester budget cuts happening next month: "If you think of the federal budget as a ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Challenges GOP: Do Minorities 'Know You and They Decided They Don't Like You?'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien, well known for her documentaries on race "Latino In America" and "Black In America," questioned the GOP's credibility among minority voters on Friday's Starting Point. ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Grills DeMint on GOP 'Intolerance' and 'Racist Comments'

Talking to Heritage Foundation president and former Republican Senator Jim DeMint on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory eagerly cited recent criticism of the GOP: "Colin Powell ...
Media Research Center

NBC Applauds Clinton's 'Vigorous Defense' Against 'Hostile Interrogation' By GOP

At the top of Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie hyped Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's performance during congressional testimony on Wednesday: "Vigorous defense. A fired up ...
Media Research Center

On CBS, Dickerson Defends 'Obama Can Only Cement His Legacy If He Destroys the GOP' Column

Wednesday's CBS This Morning set up John Dickerson to brazenly defend his Friday column for the Washington Post's, "Go for the Throat!", where he concluded that President Obama "can only ...
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