
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Outrageously Links Unhappy Conservatives to Hitler

Chris Matthews on Monday disgustingly connected conservatives unhappy with the 2012 election to Hitler and the 1936 Olympics. After Huffington Post journalist Howard Fineman mocked the GOP for ...
Media Research Center

Congressional Dysfunction? New York Times Blames C-Span Cameras, Gingrich and Santorum

Ina front-page story, reporter Jonathan Weisman seems to pine for the days of Democratic congressional barons making rules behind closed doors: "The advent of C-Span 2, which put cameras in the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Eager to See Republicans 'Peeling Off' from Tax Pledge, Pressures Rest of GOP to Do the Same

Talking to chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie enthusiastically touted: "...we've seen a few Republicans peeling off from a pledge they ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Genial' Obama Offers 'Olive Branch' to GOP While Republicans Attack

In a series of reports following President Obama's Wednesday afternoon press conference, NBC News repeatedly portrayed Obama as a magnanimous victor "reaching out" to his opponents, while ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Jon Karl Lectures Paul Ryan on Obama's 'Mandate' and Raising Taxes

ABC journalist Jonathan Karl on Wednesday lectured Paul Ryan about Barack Obama's reelection "mandate" and grilled the Republican about raising taxes. On Good Morning America, he declared, "If ...
Media Research Center

'Meet the Press': Todd and Kearns-Goodwin Advise Obama to Put Pressure on GOP

Sounding more like a Democratic strategist on Sunday's Meet the Press than NBC's political director, Chuck Todd urged President Obama to force congressional Republicans into a corner on the ...
Media Research Center

Joe Scarborough to GOP: Stop Listening to the 'Most Extreme People' in the Party

MSNBC's token Republican Joe Scarborough appeared on ABC's The View, Friday, to do what he does best: Trash conservatives. The Morning Joe co-host lectured the Republican Party to "stop listening ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper Asks How GOP Will Overcome Party 'Extremes' to Attract Latinos

Would CNN's Anderson Cooper refer to far-left Democrats as "extremists"? On Wednesday night's Anderson Cooper 360, he asked how the GOP would court Latino votes with party "extremes" standing in ...
Media Research Center

CNN Laughs at Republicans After Election Night Losses

On Thursday's The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer played a montage of liberal comedians poking fun at election night coverage with the jokes overwhelmingly targeting Republicans and ...
Media Research Center

Thursday's New York Times Front Page: GOP 'Tough Tone' Puts Them in Trouble With Minorities and Women

Jennifer Steinhauer pinpoints the Republican's problem: They weren't liberal enough. "Congressional Republicans’ heavy focus on social issues affecting women -- like their proposals to reduce ...
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