
New York Times: GOP Dwindling Collection of 'Angry,' 'Grumpy Old White Men'

The New York Times editorial board is hoping Republicans are "throwing out their old and failing playbook, seemingly written by and for a dwindling society of angry white men." Columnist Nicholas ...
Media Research Center

NBC: After Being Hurt By 'Demographic Time Bomb,' GOP Must 'Shed Orthodoxy'

On Wednesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd cited Florida as evidence of "this demographic time bomb went off and caught the Republicans off guard," referring to the Hispanic vote in ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panel: Romney Loss Would Cause GOP 'Civil War'; GOP 'Toast' in 'Multiracial' America

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, former McCain campaign advisor Steve Schmidt and PBS host Tavis Smiley began writing the Republican Party's obituary before any votes had been ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks If Any Republicans Are 'Giving Up the Fight'

CNN's own national poll has Obama and Romney tied, but that didn't stop anchor Brooke Baldwin from asking Monday if Republicans are already giving up on the election. "Do you hear any of ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Kroft Downplays Harry Reid's Responsibility for Senate Impasse; Hints GOP to Blame for Deadlock

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Steve Kroft tried to paper over Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's role in fostering deadlock in the Senate. Kroft spotlighted Reid's "responsibility" for ...
Media Research Center

Fareed Zakaria Dismisses GOP Charges Against Obama On Libya as 'Highly Politicized'

New reports (and denials) that the CIA told its members in Benghazi to stand down during the embassy attacks are nothing but "an argument for ideologues" and no election game-changer, sounded ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares Republicans to Sharia; NOW Guest Trashes GOP 'Talibanization'

A shrieking Chris Matthews on Thursday smeared the Republican Party, comparing the abortion stances of candidates such as Paul Ryan and Richard Mourdock to those found under Sharia law. The ...
Media Research Center

NBC Demands: 'Does the Romney Campaign Believe God Intends Rape?'

With less than two weeks before the November election, it appears as though the media have found their newest manufactured controversy to smear Mitt Romney and other Republicans running for ...
Media Research Center

New Gallup Poll Shreds CNN's Speculation on Women, Abortion and the GOP

After a USA Today/Gallup poll showed women in swing states voting abortion the most important election issue, CNN hyped the news and cast a wary eye toward "controversial" Republican positions as ...
Media Research Center

CNN Blames GOP Reps for Women Saying Abortion Most Important Issue

After a Gallup poll showed abortion as the top issue among likely women voters, CNN's Carol Costello suggested Republicans are responsible – and not in a good way. "Why now? Maybe it's because ...
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