
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Hype GOP 'Firestorm,' Connect Congressional Gaffes to Romney and Ryan

All three morning shows on Monday highlighted gaffes involving two Republican congressmen, touting the "firestorm" that followed a GOP senatorial candidate who discussed "legitimate rape." ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hypes GOP in 'Hot Water' With 'High-Profile Distractions'

At the top of Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie seized on controversies involving Republican members of Congress and proclaimed: "Hot water....Two distractions for the GOP with the ...
Media Research Center

Michigan's Moderate GOP Gov. Gets NYT Kudos for Rejecting Conservative Policy

For the New York Times, this is an unambiguously good thing: "In this political age of ideological purity, Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan is an enigma....Snyder, a former accountant who has ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes GOP Links of Obama Critics Who Are Military Veterans

CNN is harping on the "partisan" connections of a group of military veterans criticizing President Obama, likening it to Swift Boat, yet it has helped further liberal partisan attacks in the ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Slams Paul Ryan Budget as 'Screwing' Needy People

On a special Saturday edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews twice claimed that Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget "screws" needy people. During a segment with Democratic Rep. Chris Van ...
Media Research Center

Republican VP Short List = Nasty Media Hit List

In just a matter of days, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney will announce his choice for his 2012 running mate. No matter who Romney picks, however, the liberal media's line of attack is ...
Media Research Center

NBC Highlights Retiring GOP Moderate Who Laments Lack of 'Compromise'

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams read a short item noting the decision of Ohio Republican Congressman Steve LaTourette to retire from the House of Representatives this year, ...
Media Research Center

Irony Alert: GOP-Bashing D.L. Hughley Likens Joe Wilson, House Republicans to Bullies

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, liberal comedian D.L. Hughley claimed that Republicans acted as bullies when they impeached former President Bill Clinton in 1998, as well as Rep. Joe Wilson when he ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Nancy Giles Insists There is a GOP 'War on Women'

Appearing as a panel member on the Saturday, July 21, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, liberal CBS contributor Nancy Giles complained about Republican efforts to discourage abortion, and ...
Media Research Center

Sigourney Weaver to NBC's Gregory: Dems About 'The People'; GOP Just 'Serving Big Business'

In an interview with Meet the Press moderator David Gregory for the Sunday show's web-based feature Press Pass, USA's Political Animals star Sigourney Weaver explained her support for President ...
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