
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Says Todd Akin Controversy Supports Narrative That GOP Is 'Anti-Women'

Piers Morgan said on Thursday that the Todd Akin controversy supports "the argument that the Republican Party is anti-women," playing into the Democratic playbook. "I suppose the problem is ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos, Expert on Liberal Talking Points: 'You Know What Democrats Say'

How has George Stephanopoulos spent his week? The former top aide to Bill Clinton pushed Democratic talking points on all his guests at the Republican National Convention, continuing the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hosts GOP-Bashing Univision Anchor Over Airing Susana Martinez's RNC Speech

Instead of airing Latina Governor Susana Martinez's speech at the Republican National Convention, ABC chose to host liberal Univision anchor Jorge Ramos who had dire words for the Republican ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Hints Ryan's 'Very Nasty' Speech Was Directed to Racists

Minutes after Paul Ryan finished his RNC speech on Wednesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed the Republican vice presidential candidate for supposedly ignoring blacks during his "very constricted, ...
Media Research Center

Networks Pound Rubio on Anti-Hispanic GOP, Deride Paul Ryan

All three morning shows, Wednesday, pounded Marco Rubio, forcing him to defend a supposedly anti-Hispanic Republican Party and explain that the GOP won't destroy Medicare. CBS This Morning ...
Media Research Center

CNN Analyst Ridicules 'Sledgehammer' GOP Platform on Abortion

CNN keeps playing up the controversy that supposedly is the Republican Party's platform on abortion – even though it resembles the language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms. "The platform has ...
Media Research Center

CNN Warns of Extremism, Exclusion In GOP; Touts 'Humongous' Gender Gap

Following the liberal media's precedent at GOP conventions, CNN hit the Republican Party for being too extreme and intolerant on Monday morning. As the MRC reported Monday in a Media Reality ...
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Asks If GOP 'Problem' With Women Is Over Competely Pro-Life Platform

Wolf Blitzer pressed Florida's GOP attorney general on Monday about the party platform's opposition to abortion in all cases, asking her if it was the "problem" Republicans had with women. "Is ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Evokes 'Iconic Picture' of Bush 'Looking Down at New Orleans'; Claims GOP 'Especially' Has 'Challenge' With Tropical Storm

For the second straight night, NBC Nightly News on Monday played the Hurricane Katrina card against Republicans, as Tropical Storm Isaac veered away from Tampa and took aim at New Orleans. Andrea ...
Media Research Center

Classy Egan: 'If Intelligence were Contagious, [the GOP] Would Be Giving Out Vaccines For It'

Liberal reporter turned left-wing Times columnist Timothy Egan brings his usual measured response to matters of the day in his latest column "The Crackpot Caucus," laying into the "stupid party" ...
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