
Media Research Center

Bob Schieffer Scorns 'Race-Baiting' Rev. Wright Attack; Obama Not a 'European Socialist'

Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer spotlighted the left's talking points on two issues in the presidential race on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Schieffer tried to play it down the middle when he ...
Media Research Center

Balance: Lib Chris Matthews to Another Lib: How Do 'Tea Party Crackpots Keep Winning?'

Diversity of thought on MSNBC: Liberal Chris Matthews on Wednesday talked to liberal journalist David Corn and liberal Congressman Steve Israel about the "Tea Party crackpots" and whether the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: Defeat of 'Old-School Moderate' Lugar 'Ending the Era of Centrist Republicans'

Joining the rest of the media in mourning the primary defeat of Republican Indiana Senator Richard Lugar on Tuesday, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams praised the ...
Media Research Center

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win?

After CNN's Erin Burnett lamented the defeat of "moderate" Dick Lugar in Indiana's GOP Senate primary, Wednesday's Starting Point panel had a cold welcome for the victorious Tea Party ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Curry: Does Obama Afghanistan Visit 'Blunt' GOP Criticism?

Talking to NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams about President Obama's surprise trip to Afghanistan on Wednesday's Today, co-host Ann Curry hoped the move would quiet Republicans: ...
Media Research Center

Unhinged Chris Matthews Smears GOP Base as the 'Grand Wizard Crowd'

An unhinged Chris Matthews on Monday excoriated Republican primary voters as racist, deriding them as the "Grand Wizard crowd." Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael ...
Media Research Center

Palin Smacks Down NBC's Lauer: GOP Ticket Will Be 'Clobbered' By 'Lamestream Media'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pressed Sarah Palin on whether the Republican nominee should pick a vice presidential running mate with more experience than she had in 2008. Palin ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Boehner: 'Isn't It Hard to Run Against a Recovering Economy?'

In an interview with House Speaker John Boehner aired on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer depicted the November election as a futile effort for the GOP: "[The economy] does put some ...
Media Research Center

CBS Rips GOP Candidates for Daring to Question European Socialism

CBS's Allen Pizzey completely whitewashed the struggling European economy on CBS Sunday Morning to bash the Republican presidential candidates' attack on President Obama's economic policies. ...
Media Research Center

Ex-Newsweek's Wolffe Warns of 'Ugliness' Toward Obama from GOP Crowds, 'Same Thing' as '08 Campaign

On Friday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, host Ed Schultz and MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe - formerly of Newsweek - drew attention to a woman at a shooting range who recently encouraged Rick ...
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