MSNBC on Monday featured the Nation magazine's sports editor to rant against Rush Limbaugh as a "unreconstructed racist," a "swine" and also lobby that the conservative host shouldn't be allowed ...
Rush Limbaugh for attack, on Friday's MSNBC Live. While acknowledging that "everybody agrees it was premature" to award the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, Alter singled out the two groups ...
Democratic strategist Paul Begala can be relied upon to use the "drug card" against Rush Limbaugh and he was true to form on Tuesday's Situation Room. When CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked what it would ...
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, accused the right wing of achieving an "orgiastic level" of excitement in its rooting against Barack Obama to deliver the Olympics to Chicago. Matthews, ...
Taking the "Green Car Challenge" on Thursday night's Jay Leno Show, a svelte Rush Limbaugh hopped into the electric Ford Focus on Leno's track, but instead of driving around the hanging cut outs ...
Bill Maher is setting the news agenda for CNN. Literally. CNN anchor Don Lemon rued "town hallers yelling at lawmakers" and those "refusing to let kids hear the commander in chief. And on and on ...
Media minds think alike. ABC: "It was the shout heard 'round the world." CBS: "It was the shout heard 'round the world." NBC, slightly creative: "The outburst heard 'round the world" and the ...
On Sunday's Meet the Press, New York Times columnist David Brooks slammed Rush Limbaugh as "insane" for comparing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Adolf Hitler, but NBC never let viewers know that ...