The three networks on Thursday morning allowed a scant 65 seconds to Senator John McCain's "blistering" op-ed published in the communist newspaper Pravda, featuring a call for freedom and ...
According to the reporters on Monday's Good Morning America, Barack Obama's "potentially groundbreaking" plan for Syria faces "heat" from critics who think it's a "bad deal." In a shift from last ...
Liberal MSNBC host Ed Schultz on Thursday sneered that Republicans, because of a hatred for Barack Obama, now idolize their "new hero" Vladimir Putin. The Ed Show anchor also repeatedly, but ...
In a break from the usual softballs that Barack Obama receives at news conferences, the President on Friday endured some tough questions, including a testy exchange with ABC's Jon Karl. The White ...
ABC and NBC on Wednesday continued to pretend that one of Barack Obama's gaffes on the Tonight Show wasn't a mistake. World News's Jon Karl and Nightly News's Chuck Todd uncritically repeated the ...
FX’s The Americans.
Last week, the historic drama set in 1981, portrayed a successful KGB
effort to discredit a Polish priest, who is leading an anti-Soviet
liberation movement, by smearing ...
KGB operatives infiltrated conservative media? Wednesday night’s episode of FX’s The Americans
imagines that in 1981 a conservative magazine employed a journalist who
was really a KGB mole. On ...
Last week’s second episode of The Americans (the third episode ran last night, February 13, on FX), dramatically ended with a scene
showing the horror realized by KGB operatives at the Soviet ...
The advantages of Soviet Communism: "Dobrokhotov said that many aspects of the past - a stronger education system, free housing - now seemed appealing to young Russians."
ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday gave national exposure to a liberal Financial Times reporter. Ed Luce declared the world would react "with deep horror, I think, but also some amusement," to a ...