Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos reported live from Russia on Monday and Tuesday and, despite devoting 32 minutes to interviewing the country's President and other officials, never ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday interviewed Barack Obama from Russia and prompted the President to tout his legacy. The former Democratic operative also pressed Obama to ...
Besides dismissing concerns over Obama's deep bow in Japan as attacks from "conservative American bloggers," reporters Helene Cooper and David Barboza see Obama making "progress" in getting Russia ...
The October 12 issue of Newsweek asked: "Was Russia Better Off Red?" The "Back Story" page of the magazine featured a graphic comparing life under communism to now: "Since the collapse of the ...
Obama made multiple verbal gaffes while in Moscow, including misremembering his daughter's age and where he met his wife. Times coverage? A single paragraph. Would George W. Bush have gotten the ...