CBS's Erica Hill strongly hinted on Monday's Early Show that Sarah Palin's "extended flirtation...with running" for president and speaking only to Fox News to the detriment of the rest of the ...
Isn't Jessica Yellin mocking her own network for incessantly reporting on Sarah Palin's bus tour? The CNN correspondent called the coverage of the tour "a media low-point" on CNN Tuesday, although ...
The press is pouting because potential GOP presidential contender Sarah Palin is apparently having a bit of fun with them, by refusing to let them know in advance where she is headed on her bus ...
ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday offered a dismissive take on two conservative females, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Reporter Jon Karl brushed aside Palin's bus tour as "another reality ...
Michael Shear sounds sour over Sarah Palin's lack of attention to the media on her Memorial Day bus trip: "Sarah Palin has apparently decided that she can treat the media any way she wants - and ...
As broadcast news programs over the weekend gave attention to Sarah Palin's bus tour which was viewed as a possible prelude to a presidential run, NBC correspondent John Harwood had one of the ...
Covering the growing buzz that Sarah Palin might mount a 2012 presidential campaign, the morning shows on Friday repeated liberal talking points proclaiming that it would be a disaster. Good ...
CNN's Jack Cafferty reverted back to his Palin derangement syndrome Wednesday afternoon. He touted two new books that heavily criticize Palin ' labeling one as "required reading" for any potential ...
Ending her final night as anchor of the CBS Evening News with a "five years in five minutes" video retrospective, Katie Couric went out in sync with how she conducted herself since 2006 ' ...
NBC's Matt Lauer didn't exactly throw out the welcome mat for possible presidential GOP contender Rick Santorum as, on Tuesday's Today show, he questioned the former Republican Pennsylvania ...